It is A New Day

It is A New Day

Life is a complicated journey of chaotic beauty. My last post was my failure to keep up with a high quality image per week in 2022. So Close, I made it 42 weeks and the life got in the way. I started a to try again for 2024 and I had a realization, WHY? Some weeks I can make it out multiple times to photograph, some weeks I barely have time to even think about opening my camera bag. So I decided to nix the idea of forcing myself to shoot an image just because. I want to continue to enjoy this journey of photography and I feel the pressure I put on my self led to poorer images and unhappiness. So I have a new plan, make images, edit images. post about those images as life allows. I truly appreciate those that enjoy my images and those that enjoy them enough to purchase a print. I will try and post and update this site on a more regular basis, but, I already know there will be times I disappear for a minute. Just be patient and know something new will be on its way soon.

Speaking of something new, I just updated my feature gallery. I hope to rotate these images more often in the future. I am also looking at revamping my gallery options to show more of my work with out being overwhelming. That is a work in progress.

Be sure to check out the new feature gallery and follow me on my socials, I am working on being more active there as well.

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