Week 12 of 52

Week 12 of 52

This image was many hours in the making…kind of. I was making the trek back home and chose the scenic route as I often do. The issue with me and scenic routes is that it will turn a 4 hour drive into an 8 hour or longer excursion. On this particular trip I found many great images. I found myself under an old stone rail bridge, then following the old B&O route thru Maryland. It was hard to pick one image this week, but i settled on one of the Casselman Bridge. I have shot this bridge a few times in the past and have never been overly satisfied with the results. I feel I have finally righted that wrong and made an image I am truly happy with. So there is a lesson on perseverance or something for you.

Each weeks image can be viewed here Feel free to comment on or share any of my images. Thanks for stopping by and have an amazing week.

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