Week 25 of 52

Week 25 of 52

Still struggling with Covid after effects I had trouble getting out and about this week. I did have the opportunity to work with my 15 year old niece on shooting the strawberry moon. Last summer I had given her an old camera and a few lenses I used to use for time lapse photography. I now kicked in an older tripod I no longer used. I took the opportunity to help her learn the craft and get out of full auto settings. Unfortunately I didn’t spend as much time on my own shots, but it was worth it. This photo was taken during a rare break helping her with settings and teaching. I didnt come away with a great shot…but I did walk away with great memories and I hope she did as well.

As a bonus I would love to share this image that i created using two images from that evening plus another from earlier in the year.

Each weeks image can be viewed here Feel free to comment on or share any of my images. Thanks for stopping by and have an amazing week.

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